M Series-Standard SIP Pilot Industrial Solutions
The M series includes standard SIP fermenters/bioreactors available in a range of six different volumes from 30 up to 200 litres, with a wide range of options and accessories.
- 6 different volumes: 30 L, 50 L, 75 L, 100 L, 150 L, 200 L.
- 3:1 H/D ratio.
- Parts in contact with the culture AISI 316 L, other parts AISI 304.
- Double jacket (side/bottom), for higher heat transfer efficiency and optimal temperature control.
- Bacteria (Toro sparger, Rushton impellers) and cell cultures (Sintered sparger, Marine impellers) configurations available.
- Wide range of measurement and control options for cell cultures and aerobic/anaerobic microbial fermentations, including temperature, pH, dO?2?, dCO?2?, redox, antifoam, level, conductivity, weight, cell density (total cells, viable cells).
- Suitable for batch, fed-batch and continuous processes.
- Stainless-steel industrial PCS ?LEM_2?, with a selectable number of peristaltic pumps, choosing between Watson Marlow WM 114, WM 313 and WM 520.
- SALAS (Solaris Sterile Liquid Addition System) included in the standard configuration.