VersaSCAN-SKP Scanning Kelvin Probe Microscope

> Analytical & Material Science> Electrochemistry> Scanning Electrochemical Systems> VersaSCAN-SKP Scanning Kelvin Probe Microscope

VersaSCAN-SKP Scanning Kelvin Probe Microscope


VersaSCAN-SKP Scanning Kelvin Probe Microscope

The Kelvin Probe experiment uses a nondestructive method to determine the relative work function difference between the probe and the sample. Work function describes the energy required to liberate an electron from the surface of a conductor; electrochemists often interpret this as the energy difference from an electrode’s Fermi Level, average energy of electrons, and that of vacuum.

  • Uses a relative work function measurement, typically in atmospheric conditions, to map the anodic and cathodic nature of samples
  • Superior probe design and signal measurement capability provide high resolution measurements